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What you need to know

Booking Space On Campus
Classrooms Bookings

To book a classroom, please use the online booking form through the Examinations, Scheduling & Bookings office. Please review the booking rules prior to submitting a booking request.

Due to the high volume of requests, bookings should typically be made at least fifteen (15) business days in advance of the event or activity. 

Larger On-Campus Venues

For larger events, clubs can book non-classroom spaces including Wilf’s, the Turret, Theatre Auditorium, Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, Paul Martin Centre or Senate and Board Chambers. Connect with Laurier Conference Services to book and discuss the next steps in your event planning process. Contact Meg Bagley at 


Concourse Bookings

All bookings for the concourse are handled directly through the OneCard office. For any questions or booking requests, email

Athletic Bookings

Clubs interested in booking space in the Athletic Complex, the Stadium, or Alumni Field should check the Facility Schedules page on the Athletics and Recreation website. Depending on the activity and facility required, charges may be incurred for usage.


Media & Technology

When planning an event on campus requiring media and/or technology, campus clubs can work with the Students’ Union or Media Technology Services.


Projector Cart

If your club is having an event in a room that is not equipped with a projector, you may be eligible to reserve the Students’ Union’s projector cart. Reservations will depend on the accessibility of your location, whether the cart is available, and whether a staff member is available to meet you as the cart is in locked storage.

Media Technology Resources

There are two Media Technology Offices depending on your event’s building location. The Main Office, Bricker Academic Building 303, provides service for Bricker Academic, Science Building, Athletic Complex, and 202 Regina. The Peters Building office, room P1305, provides service for Peters Building, Arts Wing, Aird Building, Northdale Campus, Schlegel Building, Seminary, and St. Michael Campus.


Depending on your media and tech needs, a cost may be associated with the reservation. Requests for services must be signed by Neelesh Rehal, VP of Clubs & Associations. If there is a cost associated with the request, please specify whether the charge will come from budget money or club generated funds.


Physical Resources

If your event requires tables, chairs, set-up or tear-down, a work order will need to be placed through Neelesh Rehal, VP of Clubs & Associations. Work orders should be submitted 5 business days in advance of the event. Requests will not be processed fewer than 2 business days prior to the event.


Charges will apply for any physical resources work orders. The charges vary based on the labour required and when the request takes place. For example, work orders taking place outside regular workday hours are considered overtime. When placing a request for the work order, please specify whether this charge will be from budget money or club-generated funds.



The SU-Desk is a great on-campus resource to help you find information about the Students’ Union and campus partners’ programming. The SU-desk can provide you with information about the Health & Dental plan, Homecoming tickets, and multimedia resources through our Techshare program.


You can find them on the 3rd floor of the FNCC (Fred Nicholas Campus Center), in the 24 Lounge in Waterloo and the 1st floor of the Student Centre in Brantford.


Off-Campus Events

To host an event off-campus, the primary event organizer must submit an off-campus event-form twenty-one (21) days prior to the event and prior to any promotion of the event. This includes any event run by your club held off-campus, no matter how small or large. As all Clubs and Associations are insured through the Students’ Union, it is important to know where students are attending club events. The Students’ Union is responsible for anything that may happen to a Laurier student attending an event hosted by one of its clubs. The safety and security of Laurier students are of the utmost importance to us.

The Off-Campus Events Form allows the Students’ Union to understand the following:
  1. Location/Venue – where the event is taken place; whether the venue has insurance; whether there are any existing/prior issues with the venue or location

  2. Transportation – how students are getting to/from the event

  3. Description/Activities – what activities are taking place; the level of physical activity/risk associated with the event


Events with Alcohol:

Off-campus events with alcohol must be limited to only Laurier students and their guests. Therefore, the entire venue or separated section/room must be reserved specifically for the event. If this cannot be accommodated, the event must be held elsewhere or must be a dry event. Additionally, an event-based around the consumption of alcohol is not acceptable.

Examples of Acceptable Off-Campus Events with Alcohol

  1. Formal held at a hall or reserved venue with tickets sold only to Laurier students and their guests;

  2. Social held at a venue reserved entirely for a club an event, e.g. Maxwells, and not open to non-Laurier students and guests.


Examples of Unacceptable Off-Campus Events with Alcohol

  1. Brick Tours or Pub Crawls

  2. Social at a venue open to non-Laurier students and guests


If your club would like to host an event off-campus with alcohol, speak with the owner/manager of the venue to find out about reserving the entire venue, or a separated area that does not allow other patrons to enter. Also considering hosting your event on campus at Wilf’s, Turret or the Grad Pub.


Transportation for Off-Campus Events:

If your off-campus event requires transportation, there are two main options:

  1. Participants are responsible for own transportation: this is a good option for in-town events as it saves on cost and reduces liability

  2. Chartered bus: this is the best option for transporting a group to an event outside the city or public transit limits


We strongly discourage the use of any personal vehicles or renting vehicles as this places responsibility on the student driving the vehicle. If chartering a bus is not a feasible option (e.g. under 10 students participating), please consult with Haleigh Running, Clubs and Associations Administrator, about options, which may include waivers for drivers and passengers.

For assistance booking a chartered bus, please contact Haleigh Running, Clubs and Associations Administrator, at



Any club planning an event requiring a contract must have it reviewed and signed by a full-time staff. Please contact Haleigh Running, Clubs and Associations Administrator, at for more details.


If a deposit is required with the contract, please allow for enough time to get a cheque cut using regular banking (i.e. submitting a reimbursement/expense requisition). Be sure to indicate the cheque is to be submitted with the contract.


Here is a list of information and instructions of where to go and who you should reach out to when planning your event.
Feel free to email if you have any further questions.

AUS 2023-2024 Presidential Election Resources
Click here for the Nomination Form
Click here for the Elections Policy Form


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